Wednesday 29 May 2024

Democracy's flaws: Battle of Wills: Democracy 0 – Biocracy 3


One of democracy's fatal flaws is its reducibility to a battle of wills.


Following our reflections on our thought experiment on the Sea-People’s Citizen Assembly Scenario, we see that democracy pits people against each other in a contest of wills. It does not consider Health at any scale. This leads to Militarism (War as a continuation of politics, not a break from it).

Sketch of two people shaking fists and thinking violent thoughts at each other.
The outcome of Will over Health


Another essential flaw in democracy, that as a political system it elevates the expressed views (or will) of humans, or a subgroup of humans, over all other requirements for living together, ignoring Health. This is not a flaw of biocracy, a political system which prioritises Health.

More flaws of democracy will be explored later.

Democracy's flaws: Battle of Wills: Democracy 0 – Biocracy 3 by Sleeping Dog is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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